36 Days of Type 2022

Self-initiated project designing type as part of 36 Days of Type 2022

36 Days of Type (36DOT) is an annual type project open to designers and illustrators around the world. Every day, for 36 days, participants design a letter or number in their unique style.

While some designers try to create a cohesive set of letters and numbers, my designs are purposefully varied to show a broad range of ways that letters and numbers can be visually represented.

My process for creating this project was to make quick decisions, allowing me to remain open-minded about the outcomes and not give too much thought to conventions or rules. The result is a mix of styles and weights encompassing familiar serif and sans-serif designs alongside more experimental forms.

In time, I hope to be able to develop some of these designs into complete alphabets or refine the designs and create a usable, intentionally mismatched typeface.